I want to start yoga ... But how?

You want to start yoga but don’t know where to start from?

Maybe you don’t have a yoga studio or teacher nearby or some circumstances prohibit you from starting your journey? Looking for the best online yoga course to have a daily yoga practice from the comfort of your home? Or you’ve never contemplated yoga before but are now looking for a Yoga program or innovative Yoga course to relieve all the mental and physical tension, then you’re at the right place. 

Whether you’re a parent, student, or from any working profession, in a busy modern world, it’s important to take a pause and to look after our basic needs as human. We need healthy food, physical movement and proper rest. It's easy to loose sight of these primal requirements when we’re leading hectic lives surrounded by technology and anxiety keeps coming in. And it becomes so Important to keep anxiety, mental health and physical health in check.

Yoga has been known to be beneficial since ages, and not just for weight loss, but also to keep the mind calm. From Boosting your immunity to improving your mental health, there are tons of benefits of yoga. 

When you hear about yoga, what do you think? Stretching, flexibility or some upside down crazy poses? Sure, yoga is an excellent and popular posture-based physical exercise, but there’s a lot more to it than that. What we know of as yoga now – body postures that flow together in a single session – is only one small part of yoga. Curious about the rest? I bet. That’s why I created this course.

This course is exactly what you need to ignite your passion for yoga! Whether you are a complete beginner, or have tried yoga in the past and are ready to really get going, this course will show you the way. This is designed for the complete beginner, so there’s no need to worry if you have no previous yoga experience. But even if you are an intermediate yogi, this still is for you because it will help you develop a daily practice and will help you learn the core principles of yoga. Yoga is a powerful tool to balance your mind, release tension, and feel better in your body. This course isn’t designed to be easy — this is going to push you, expand your limits, and help you grow within your practice. So what are you waiting for? Let me help you in your life changing journey with all the insights and inspiration. Enroll now to get started. Can't wait to see you on the other side!

  • Over 43 instructional videos on the foundation of yoga

  • Breathing and Meditation Videos

  • Quizzes and Downloadables

  • Certificate of Completion

  • "Misalign to Realign" - My First Ebook

Introducing the perfect course to start your yoga journey from

If you are looking for an easy, understandable, easy to digest way of practicing yoga, this course is a way to start. Practice with me from any corner of the world, anytime you want and on any device available. So there is nothing stopping you!

My Yoga Story

My name is Pal Gehlot and I’m a E- RYT 500 hour certified yoga instructor from Rishikesh - Yoga capital of the world. I was introduced to yoga when I was in elementary school back in 2002 but at that point the actual meaning of yoga was unknown to me. Then after my college, I started practicing yoga as a physical activity in 2017 and got hooked. After graduation, I started working as a software engineer. But after few months, I was struggling with anxiety and depression which yoga helped me immensely. So I decided to quit my job and become a yoga teacher. After my yoga teacher training, I studied more about yoga philosophy and Ayurveda. I realised Yoga is a way of living and the attitude you have towards life. So I wanted to share what I have learned and figured out so far – all the lessons, insights, and ideas that I have experienced that are worth sharing. I learned when you move and stretch you become more aware of your body and by placing your attention on something specific (your body, breath, etc.) your mind will become more still. Stretching releases tension that is stored in your body as a result of stress. When I started practicing, I did not know the foundation of asanas and I would’ve loved to have that knowledge during the beginning of my yoga journey. This is why I came up with the idea of creating these courses. Through these video courses, I want to combine years of practice and teaching experience I have into something intelligent and intentional around the yoga practice. So if you’re willing to expand your practice or teaching join me in this journey. Can’t wait to see you on the mat!

Why do you need this course?

You are stiff in the morning or work for 8 hours on a desk job or you are suffering from any kind of chronic pain, you want to be more strong and flexible or you wanna improve your posture, you want to reduce anxiety and stress or you wanna improve your blood circulation and heart health, you wanna improve your focus and concentration, or you wanna have more mental clarity and balance. Well, Yoga is the answer to all your questions! We are all so busy with our day-to-day work that we are less likely to give time to our bodies. Also, this pandemic showed us that it’s important to take care of your health, and finding time to practice yoga or exercise a few minutes a week can work wonders for your health. Several covid-19 survivors have shared that doing yoga, particularly pranayama (breathing exercises), has helped them. By practising yoga you can strengthen your immunity as well as battle stress and anxiety. The beauty of yoga is that you don’t have to be a yogi or yogini to reap the benefits. Whether you are young or old, overweight or fit, yoga has the power to calm the mind and strengthen the body. If you think yoga might not be for you, I urge you to reconsider. Once you start, yoga has the capacity to change your life for the better. I promise!

  • You are struggling to maintain your weight. and You want to be more energetic and flexible.

  • You don't like hardcore workouts and looking for something slow-paced.

  • You are struggling with stress, anxiety and insomnia.

  • You run out of breath easily and want to improve your breathing.

  • You want to improve your blood circulation and cardiovascular system.

  • You want to experience a profound sense of harmony both within yourself and the world around you.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Course

  • 2

    Yoga Philosophy

    • Introduction of Yoga

    • Yoga Sutras and Patanjali

    • Types of Yoga Vs Styles of Yoga

    • Yoga Philosophy Quiz

  • 3

    Gentle Warm Up Before Yoga

    • Gentle Warm Up Yoga Flow

  • 4

    Different Aspects of Yoga

    • Introduction of Mudha & Bandha

    • Nadis (Energy Channels)

    • Meaning of Chakras (Energy Points)

    • Importance of Shatkarma ( Yogic Cleansing Techniques)

    • Different Aspects of Yoga Quiz

  • 5


    • What is Pranayama?

    • Equal Breathing

    • Nadi Shodhan

    • Ujjayi Breathing

    • Things to remember

    • Pranayama Explained Ebook

    • Pranayama Quiz

  • 6

    Sun Salutation A

    • Urdhva Namaskara / Upward Salute

    • Uttanasana / Standing forward bend pose

    • Ardha Uttanasana / Intense half stretch pose

    • Chaturanga Dandasana / Four-limbed staff pose ( Modified and full version )

    • Bhujangasana and Urdhva Mukha Svanasana / Cobra and Upward Facing Dog

    • Adho Mukha svanasana / Downward Facing Dog

    • Sun Salutation A Complete Sequence

  • 7

    Sun Salutation B

    • Introduction

    • Chair Pose / Utkatasana

    • Warrior 1 / Virbhadrasana 1

    • Sun Salutation B Complete Sequence

  • 8

    Standing Asanas

    • Introduction

    • Tree Pose / Vrikshasana

    • Triangle Pose / Trikonasana

    • Side Angle Pose / Parsvakonasana

    • Warrior 2 / Virbhadrasana 2

    • Reverse Warrior / Viparita Virabhadrasana

    • High Lunge / Ashta Chandrasana

    • Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend/ Prasarita Padottanasana

    • Warrior 3 / Virbhadrasana 3

  • 9

    Seating Asanas

  • 10

    Yoga Flows

    • Morning Energizing Yoga Flow

    • Improve Your Flexibility

    • Balance & Focus

    • Strength and Endurance Yoga Flow

    • Gentle Restorative Yoga Flow

  • 11


    • Benefits of Inversions

    • How to get into Shoulderstand?

    • How to get into headstand?

    • Precautions

  • 12


    • What is Meditation?

    • Benefits of Meditation

    • How to sit for Meditation?

    • Guided mediation by Martha

    • Bonus Yoga Nidra

    • Meditation Quiz

  • 13

    Thank You

    • Gratitude

    • Find me Here!

Bonus Guided Yoga Nidra and Meditation by Martha Homes

Nidra means sleep in Sanskrit. Yoga Nidra means sleep after throwing off the burdens. It is the experience of total relaxation. It does not mean sleep however it means to be blissfully happy in absolute relaxation. While meditation is the act of refocusing your mind to bounce back from a stressful event. It has been known to strengthen the mind, improve focus and heal the body. Martha homes is a professional meditation teacher from Ireland. She will guide you with meditation and Yoga Nidra in this course.

Bonus Resources

  • Free 1:1 Live Yoga consultation

    You'll get one LIVE 1-on-1 consultation session to ask any remaining doubts or confusions after completing the course.

  • 3 Bonus Exclusive Foundational Yoga Flows

    You'll get three full length yoga classes focused on Strength, Balance and Flexibility.

  • Exclusive Discount in Upcoming Courses

    You'll get the certificate after finishing the course which will help you get discount in future courses, workshops and in person retreats.

Gain complimentary access to a valuable ebook valued $30 for FREE, as a complimentary bonus with your course purchase.

This ebook will guide you exactly how you should move into the yoga poses correctly and safely. It will also give you insights about the correct alignment of the poses and also will teach you how to avoid injury. You’ll also find 25 foundational yoga postures with the pictures, correct cues, dos and don’ts of each asanas, how to modify that pose and so much more. You’ll also learn about how to practice safely at home, what props you would need and their replacements, Full yoga Sequences to practice at home, how to add breathing and meditation in asana practice and so much more. Offer available for limited period of time.


Get the course now before the offer ends

  • 0 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Pricing option

The actual price of the course is $200.00 but to make it more accessible to everyone it's available on discount for a limited time period with the bonus resources.

100% satisfaction guarantee for 30 days

Join this course and get reassurance that if this course doesn't work for you, you have 30 days to request your money back with no questions asked. Although all my students have loved the course so far I want to make sure you get your value for money and find my course helpful.


  • Will this course expire after a certain period?

    No, Once you buy it. It's forever yours and you can access it anytime you want.

  • Does the course has any hidden fee?

    No, You only pay the course price.

  • Will I get refund?

    Of course, If It doesn't work for you, You'll get full refund within 30 days of purchase.

  • Will I receive a certificate?

    Yes of course. Once you finish 100% of your course, email me the screenshot of your course player and you'll receive your course completion certificate right away.

  • Are the modules and lessons available for download?

    No, the instructional videos can only be watched within the course itself. This is to prevent the content from being re-uploaded or illegally distributed. However, the pdf's and other course materials are available for download.

  • If I have trouble or questions during the course, Who will I turn to for help?

    You can comment or join discussions in each lesson by clicking the top right corner. And you can also virtually ask me all the remaining doubts in the live consultation session after finishing the course.

You've made it this far...

Starting a yoga practice can be intimidating (Trust me, I've been there!) but you are the only one responsible to keep your physical and mental health in check and YOGA is the way to start! I promise I'll get you there if you promise that if you join me, you're fully committed. it won't be a walk in the park but together we can do this. So Jump onboard with me and go deeper. Let's start on the path of practice and a journey within. Namaste!